
Naomi Cambell perfume

The flacon has the same shape as its antecedents and is decorated with red lips, which leave lusty, juicy kisses on the glass, with a red, fluffy pendant on the neck of the bottle.

瓶子真的超可愛,這顆fluffy pendant好想拿來什麼地方掛著玩,又不捨。

An opening impact of freshness with citrusy-pepperish accords introduces a blend of cardamom(小荳蔻), pink pepper and bergamot(佛手柑), along with fruity zest of red berries, clementine(克萊門氏小柑橘)
, apple and black currant(黑醋栗). A heart of the fragrance is composed of a velvety floral bouquet of rose petals, which are a symbol of love and luxury, strengthened with scents of elegant peony(牡丹) and Sambac jasmine. A base brings us warm and intensive aromas of vetiver(香根草), incense and tonka(零陵豆
), with irresistible tastiness of vanilla.


Naomi Campbell


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